
The intention was to create a useful site that serves as a resource on Abaqus scripting for PhD and master's students, as well as for the following courses:

If you're looking for finite element theory, GUI tutorials, or funny cat videos, this is not the site for you.

The site is currently unfinished and incomplete—and most likely, it will never be fully finished. New content will be added as it becomes useful for upcoming teaching activities, or simply as a result of new ideas or my tendency to procrastinate on more boring administrative tasks.

Why Scripting?

The general arguments for scripting include:

  • Automation of repetitive tasks
  • Enabling efficient parameter studies
  • Solving problems that cannot be addressed by other means

In an academic and learning context, we can also add:

  • Learning to code is generally useful
  • Coding fosters a deeper understanding of the underlying technology
  • The need for rapid engineering may not be as pressing as in an industrial context

When not to script

Scripting does not compete with the interactive use of the GUI for immediate engineering tasks. One-off problems are typically more efficiently solved using GUI tools.

Scripting, therefore, should be considered an investment. And like any investment, if it does not pay off in important ways, don’t do it. However, in a learning context, the cost-versus-benefit analysis has different weightings compared to an industrial project.

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