Using the command line interface

The command line interface provides a versatile method for exploring the model database structure with all sub-objectes and methods. It enables instant exploration of the objects, properties and methods, as well as a way to test the logic of small segments of code.

Using command line interface

Example: The model database (mdb) has two models where the model named 'M1' has one part having a mesh with 426 nodes. The properties of the first node is eventually printed in the following sequence of commands:

>>> print mdb.models
{'M1': 'Model object', 'M2': 'Model object'}
>>> mod = mdb.models['M1']
>>> print
{'P1': 'Part object'}
>>> prt =['P1']
>>> print len(prt.nodes)
>>> print prt.nodes[0]
({'coordinates': (13.75, 16.25, 20.0), 'instanceName': None, 'label': 1})

The command line interface is used extensively for exploring the structure of the model database.

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