mdb object

The mdb is the base object of the model database.

A new model database is created by Mdb(). A new default model will be created as well:

>>> Mdb()
A new model database has been created.
The model "Model-1" has been created.

The mdb contains the following constructors:

>>> [i for i in dir(mdb) if i[0].isupper()]
['AdaptivityProcess', 'Annotation', 'Arrow', 'Coexecution', 'CombineOptResults', 'Job', 'JobFromInputFile', 
 'Model', 'ModelFromAnsysInputFile', 'ModelFromInputFile', 'ModelFromNastranInputFile', 'ModelFromOdbFile',
 'OptimizationProcess', 'Text']

Two important (or commonly used anyways) constructors are Model()

>>> mdb.Model(name='M2')
The model "M2" has been created.

and Job():

>>> mdb.Job(name='Job2', model='M2')['Job2']

More on models and jobs on the pages Models and Managing jobs

Other properties and methods are:

>>> [i for i in dir(mdb) if i[0].islower()]
['acis', 'adaptivityProcesses', 'annotations', 'close', 'closeAuxMdb', 'coexecutions', 'copyAuxMdbModel',
 'getAuxMdbModelNames', 'jobs', 'lastChangedCount', 'meshEditOptions', 'models', 'openAcis', 'openAuxMdb', 
 'openCatia', 'openEnf', 'openIges', 'openParasolid', 'openProE', 'openStep', 'openVda', 'optimizationProcesses',
 'pathName', 'save', 'saveAs', 'setValues', 'version']

For instance, the property pathName before saving is

>>> mdb.pathName

Saving the model database and checking the path:

>>> mdb.saveAs( pathName= 'mymdb1')
The model database has been saved to "C:\temp\works\mymdb1.cae".
>>> mdb.pathName
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