
Models are stored in the repository models and only a constructor such as Model() can add models to the repository:

>>> mdb.Model(name='M1')
The model "M1" has been created.

The only required argument is name, while the optional arguments will typically be just fine as defaults. For example, the argument modelType has default value STANDARD_EXPLICIT where the other alternative is ELECTROMAGNETIC, the latter being very much outside the scope of this site...

The argument description can however be useful:

>>> mdb.Model(name='M2', description = 'Some description of M2')
The model "M2" has been created.

The description is now a property, and can be modified by setValue(...):

>>> mdb.models['M2'].description
'Some description of M2'
>>> mdb.models['M2'].setValues(description='New description of M2')
>>> mdb.models['M2'].description
'New description of M2'

Example script

Pranking your fellow workers in the simulation department by handing over a model database where the description of the models are ten random words from Shakespears Hamlet:

In [ ]:
from random import randint

modelnames = ['Model-{}'.format(i) for i in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G')]
text = 'To be or not to be that is the question Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows' \
       'of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them To die to sleep' \
       'No more and by a sleep to say we end The heart ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to' \
       'tis a consummation'
words = text.split(' ')
for m in modelnames:
    desc = ''
    for i in range(0,10):
        desc = desc + words[randint(0,len(words)-1)] + ' '
    mdb.Model(name=m, description = desc)
>>> for name, model in mdb.models.items():
...     print name, model.description
Model-A we that end the the end nobler we by by 
Model-B troubles end be mind die be more And a and 
Model-C to Whether to To end be Whether be outrageous end 
Model-D we arms tis heir consummation mind to end and The 
Model-E and the a we To question sleep troubles a slings 
Model-F against thousand sea be heir a slings The natural the 
Model-G mind slings in not the take die end a take

Access and iterations

The repository mdb.models behaves similar to a Python dictionary having the standard methods itmes(), values(), and keys():

>>> print mdb.models
{'Model-A': 'Model object', 'Model-B': 'Model object', 'Model-C': 'Model object', 'Model-D': 'Model object', 
 'Model-E': 'Model object', 'Model-F': 'Model object', 'Model-G': 'Model object'}
>>> mdb.models.items()
[('Model-A', mdb.models['Model-A']), ('Model-B', mdb.models['Model-B']), ('Model-C', mdb.models['Model-C']), 
 ('Model-D', mdb.models['Model-D']), ('Model-E', mdb.models['Model-E']), ('Model-F', mdb.models['Model-F']), 
 ('Model-G', mdb.models['Model-G'])]
>>> mdb.models.keys()
['Model-A', 'Model-B', 'Model-C', 'Model-D', 'Model-E', 'Model-F', 'Model-G']
>>> mdb.models.values()
[mdb.models['Model-A'], mdb.models['Model-B'], mdb.models['Model-C'], mdb.models['Model-D'], mdb.models['Model-E'],
 mdb.models['Model-F'], mdb.models['Model-G']]

Methods of iterations:

# alternative 1
for name in mdb.models.keys():
    mod = mdb.models[name]
    print(name, mod.description)

# alternative 2
for name, mod in mdb.models.items():
    print(name, mod.description)

Deleting a model

In Python, the del keyword is used to delete objects. In Python everything is an object, so the method for deleting itmes such as a model comes as no supprise:

>>> del mdb.models['Model-1']

Properties and methods

As the most significant type of object, the number of properties end methods is huge. For instanc, only the constructors starting with either 'M' or 'P':

>>> key = mdb.models.keys()[0]
>>> mod = mdb.models[key]
>>> [i for i in dir(mod) if i[0] in ['M', 'P'] ]
['MPCSection', 'MagneticVectorPotentialBC', 'MappedField', 'MassDiffusionStep', 'Material', 'MaterialAssignment',
 'MaterialFlowBC', 'MembraneSection', 'ModalDynamicsStep', 'ModelChange', 'ModelInstance', 'ModulatedAmplitude', 
 'Moment', 'MultipointConstraint', 'PEGLoad', 'PEGSection', 'Part', 'Part2DGeomFrom2DMesh', 'PartFromAcis', 
 'PartFromExtrude2DMesh', 'PartFromGeometryFile', 'PartFromIges', 'PartFromInputFile', 'PartFromLumps',
 'PartFromMeshMirror', 'PartFromNodesAndElements', 'PartFromOdb', 'PartFromSection3DMeshByPlane', 
 'PartFromSubstructure', 'PeriodicAmplitude', 'PinnedBC', 'PipePressure', 'PipeProfile', 'PointSection',
 'PorDragBodyForce', 'PorePressure', 'PorePressureBC', 'PorousFluidSection', 'PredefinedField', 'Pressure',
 'PressurePenetration', 'Profile', 'PsdDefinition']

Of these, Material(...) and Part(...) can be found frequently in the examples on this site. Materials and parts are stored in respective repositories: materials and parts:

>>> [i for i in dir(mod) if i[0] in ['m', 'p'] ]
['materials', 'materialsFromOdb', 'modelType', 'parts', 'predefinedFields', 'profiles']
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