
Solid brick

Most commonly, a mesh is generated by the method


The algorithm of the method will create the mesh based on a number of parameters and settings. For example, the size of elements is defined by the method


as demonstrated in the simple script below, creating the meshed brick in the figure to the right.

Example: a solid brick

In [ ]:
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *

def solidBrick(modelname, L, b, h, esize):
    mod = mdb.Model(name=modelname)
    ske = mod.ConstrainedSketch(name='__profile__', sheetSize=200.0)
    ske.rectangle(point1=(0.0, 0.0), point2=(L, b))
    prt = mod.Part(name='Brick', dimensionality=THREE_D, type=DEFORMABLE_BODY)
    prt.BaseSolidExtrude(sketch=ske, depth=h)
    del ske
    session.viewports['Viewport: 1'].setValues(displayedObject=prt)

    # Mesh

solidBrick(modelname='M1', L=100.0, b=50.0, h=25.0, esize = 10.0)

The part will now contain elements and nodes in respective sequences

>>> prt = mdb.models['M1'].parts['Brick']
>>> len(prt.elements)
>>> len(prt.nodes)

as well as other mesh related sequences

>>> len(prt.elemEdges)
>>> len(prt.elemFaces)

Element type per region, for instance for the single cell of the part:

>>> prt.getElementType(region = prt.cells[0], elemShape=HEX)
ElemType(elemCode=C3D8R, elemLibrary=STANDARD)

Properties of one element:

>>> print prt.elements[0]
({'connectivity': (24, 25, 31, 30, 0, 1, 7, 6), 'instanceName': None, 'label': 1, 'type': C3D8R})

and a node:

>>> print prt.nodes[0]
({'coordinates': (100.0, 50.0, 25.0), 'instanceName': None, 'label': 1})

Examples of methods for elements and nodes:

>>> adjelem = prt.elements[0].getAdjacentElements()
>>> print adjelem
['MeshElement object', 'MeshElement object', 'MeshElement object']
>>> enodes = prt.elements[0].getNodes()
>>> print len(enodes)
>>> print enodes[0]
({'coordinates': (90.0, 50.0, 25.0), 'instanceName': None, 'label': 25})
>>> print enodes[0].getElements()
(mdb.models['M1'].parts['Brick'].elements[0], mdb.models['M1'].parts['Brick'].elements[15])

Example: make a random messy mesh

Solid brick

Just to demonstrate one of the many possible ways to modify a mesh: let's move individual nodes randomly in x, y, and z directions with mangnitudes less than half of the element size using the method part.editNode(...).

Add the following lines of code to the previous function:

# Random adjustments of nodes

from numpy import random
for i in range(0, len(prt.nodes)):
    dx, dy, dz = (esize/2.0)*random.random(3)
    prt.editNode(nodes = prt.nodes[i:i+1], offset1=dx, offset2=dy, offset3=dz)

Advanced mesh techniques and settings

It is frequently required to controll the number of elements along individual edges. The following script selects edges along x, y and z and defines the number of elements ( nex, ney and nez ) along these edges.

The method for selecting the edges is described in Selection methods.

In [ ]:
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
from part import EdgeArray      # required for converting from a list to a sequence of proper type

def solidBrick(modelname, L, b, h, nex, ney, nez):
    mod = mdb.Model(name=modelname)
    ske = mod.ConstrainedSketch(name='__profile__', sheetSize=200.0)
    ske.rectangle(point1=(0.0, 0.0), point2=(L, b))
    prt = mod.Part(name='Brick', dimensionality=THREE_D, type=DEFORMABLE_BODY)
    prt.BaseSolidExtrude(sketch=ske, depth=h)
    del ske
    session.viewports['Viewport: 1'].setValues(displayedObject=prt)

    # Select edges
    edges_x = EdgeArray([e for e in prt.edges if e.pointOn[0][0] > 0.0 and e.pointOn[0][0] < L])
    edges_y = EdgeArray([e for e in prt.edges if e.pointOn[0][1] > 0.0 and e.pointOn[0][1] < b])
    edges_z = EdgeArray([e for e in prt.edges if e.pointOn[0][2] > 0.0 and e.pointOn[0][2] < h])
    # Seed and mesh
    prt.seedEdgeByNumber(edges=edges_x, number=nex, constraint=FINER)
    prt.seedEdgeByNumber(edges=edges_y, number=ney, constraint=FINER)
    prt.seedEdgeByNumber(edges=edges_z, number=nez, constraint=FINER)


solidBrick(modelname='M1', L=100.0, b=50.0, h=25.0, nex=10, ney=5, nez=12)

More advanced techniques in the following examples:

  • TODO
  • TODO
  • TODO
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