
Lightweight column

A column is a vertical structural element in architecture and engineering designed to support weight and bear loads, often transferring the weight of the structure above it down to a foundation.

Columns are designed to withstand compressive forces that may lead to two principle failure modes:

  • Buckling due to elastic instability.
  • Compressive material failure, or crushing.

Initially, the column will have a circular solid homogeneous cross section for this case study, while hollow columns and more advanced topologies are studied afterwards. Furthermore, the radius of the column is assumed to be a free variable, while the length, boundary conditions and load are decided (constraints).


Buckling is a likely failure mode for long and slendered columns. The critical buckling load is expressed by

\begin{equation} F_{cr} = \frac{\pi^2 EI}{(KL)^2} \tag{1} \end{equation}

The parameter $K$ depends on the boundary conditions, for example:

  • Both ends pinned (hinged, free to rotate), $K=1.0$
  • Both ends fixed, $K=0.50$

Since a circular solid homogeneous cross section is assumed:

\begin{equation} I = \frac{\pi r^4}{4} \tag{2} \end{equation}

such that

\begin{equation} F_{cr} = \frac{\pi^3 E r^4}{4(KL)^2} \tag{3} \end{equation}

The critical buckling load must be greater than the applied load:

\begin{equation} F_{cr} > F_0 \tag{4} \end{equation}

such that the required radius becomes

\begin{equation} r > \Big( \frac{4(KL)^2 F_{0}}{\pi^3 E} \Big)^{\frac{1}{4}} \tag{5} \end{equation}

The mass of the column is

\begin{equation} m = L\pi r^2 \rho \tag{6} \end{equation}

and therefore,

\begin{equation} m > L\pi\Big( \frac{4(KL)^2 F_{0}}{\pi^3 E} \Big)^{\frac{1}{2}}\rho \tag{7} \end{equation}

Organizing the previous expression:

\begin{equation} m > \Big(\frac{4(KL^2)^2 F_{0}}{\pi} \Big)^{\frac{1}{2}} \Big( \frac{\rho}{E} \Big)^{\frac{1}{2}} \tag{8} \end{equation}

Hence, in order to mimimize the mass:

\begin{equation} \min(m) \Rightarrow \min \Big(\frac{\rho}{E^{1/2}}\Big) \Rightarrow \max \Big(\frac{E^{1/2}}{\rho}\Big) \tag{9} \end{equation}

Compressive failure

Compressive failure is a consequence of a compressive stress exceeding the compressive failure strength $\sigma_f$. In order to avoid failure,

$$\sigma < \sigma_f \Rightarrow$$\begin{equation} \frac{F_0}{\pi r^2} < \sigma_f \tag{10} \end{equation}

The requirement for the radius is consequently

\begin{equation} r > \Big( \frac{F_0}{\sigma_f \pi} \Big)^{\frac{1}{2}} \tag{11} \end{equation}

and for the mass

\begin{equation} m > \Big( \frac{L \pi F_0}{ \pi} \Big) \Big( \frac{\rho}{\sigma_f} \Big) \tag{12} \end{equation}

Therefore, minimizing the mass implies

\begin{equation} \max\Big( \frac{\sigma_f}{\rho} \Big) \tag{13} \end{equation}

Note: Absolute values are used in (10)-(13)

Numerical example


$L_0 = 2000 \text{ mm}$

$F_0 = 100 \text{ kN}$

$K = 0.5$

Free variables: The radius $r$ and choice of material within a limited list of potential candidates.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

materials= [{'Name': 'Steel   ', 'rho':7850E-12, 'E':200000, 'sigc':500},
            {'Name': 'Aluminum', 'rho':2700E-12, 'E': 70000, 'sigc':300},
            {'Name': 'Woods   ', 'rho': 500E-12, 'E': 12000, 'sigc': 50}]

L0 = 2000
F0 = 100E3
K = 0.5

ro = np.linspace(10,20)
I = pi*(ro**4)/4

for mat in materials:
    r_buckl = ((4*((K*L0)**2)*F0)/((pi**3)*mat['E']))**(1/4)    # eq. (5)
    r_compr = (F0/(mat['sigc']*pi))**(1/2)                      # eq. (11)
    m_buckl = pi*(r_buckl**2)*L0*mat['rho']                     # eq. (6)
    m_compr = pi*(r_compr**2)*L0*mat['rho']                     # eq. (6)
    print('  Radius with respect to buckling:           {:.2f} mm,  mass: {:.2f} kg'.format(r_buckl, m_buckl*1000))
    print('  Radius with respect to compressiv failure: {:.2f} mm,  mass: {:.2f} kg'.format(r_compr, m_compr*1000))
  Radius with respect to buckling:           15.94 mm,  mass: 12.53 kg
  Radius with respect to compressiv failure: 7.98 mm,  mass: 3.14 kg
  Radius with respect to buckling:           20.72 mm,  mass: 7.28 kg
  Radius with respect to compressiv failure: 10.30 mm,  mass: 1.80 kg
  Radius with respect to buckling:           32.20 mm,  mass: 3.26 kg
  Radius with respect to compressiv failure: 25.23 mm,  mass: 2.00 kg

Governing failure mode is buckling for all materials and, unsuprisingly, the winner is the solution made of wood. The relatively low density of the wood enables a wider column that provides a relatively much greater second moment of area ($I$) compared to both aluminum and steel.

If, however, the allowable outer radius is limited to for example $r_0 = 25 \text{ mm}$, wood is not a viable option.

Rather, a hollow circular profile should be investigated.

Solution for a hollow circular cross section

The second moment of area of a cross section having internal radius $r_i$ is

\begin{equation} I = \frac{\pi r_0^4- \pi r_i^4}{4} \tag{14} \end{equation}

Combining (1), (4) and (14) and solving for $r_i$ gives

\begin{equation} r_i < \bigg( r_0^4 - \Big( \frac{4F_0 (KL)^2}{\pi^2 E} \Big) \bigg)^{\frac{1}{4}} \tag{15} \end{equation}

The mass is now

\begin{equation} m = L(\pi r_0^2 - \pi r_i^2)\rho \tag{16} \end{equation}

With respect to compressive failure,

$$\frac{F_0}{\pi r_0^2 - \pi r_i^2} < \sigma_f \Rightarrow$$\begin{equation} r_i < \Big(r_0^2 - \frac{F_0}{\pi \sigma_f}\Big)^\frac{1}{2} \tag{17} \end{equation}

and finally, the wall thickness is

\begin{equation} t > r_0-r_i \tag{18} \end{equation}
In [2]:
materials= [{'Name': 'Steel   ', 'rho':7850E-12, 'E':200000, 'sigc':500},
            {'Name': 'Aluminum', 'rho':2700E-12, 'E': 70000, 'sigc':300}]
r0 = 25

for mat in materials:
    ri_buckl =(r0**4 - (4*F0*(K*L0)**2)/((pi**3)*mat['E']))**(1/4)   # eq. (15)
    ri_compr =((r0**2)-F0/(mat['sigc']*pi))**(1/2)                   # eq. (17)
    t_buckl=r0-ri_buckl                                              # eq. (18)
    t_compr=r0-ri_compr                                              # eq. (18)
    m_buckl = pi*(r0**2-ri_buckl**2)*L0*mat['rho']                   # eq. (16)
    m_compr = pi*(r0**2-ri_compr**2)*L0*mat['rho']                   # eq. (16)
    print('  Thickness with respect to buckling:           {:.2f} mm,  mass: {:.2f} kg'.format(t_buckl, m_buckl*1000))
    print('  Thickness with respect to compressiv failure: {:.2f} mm,  mass: {:.2f} kg'.format(t_compr, m_compr*1000))
  Thickness with respect to buckling:           1.10 mm,  mass: 2.66 kg
  Thickness with respect to compressiv failure: 1.31 mm,  mass: 3.14 kg
  Thickness with respect to buckling:           3.69 mm,  mass: 2.90 kg
  Thickness with respect to compressiv failure: 2.22 mm,  mass: 1.80 kg

The winner is now alumium, where the governing failure is once again buckling. Hence the required mass is 2.90 kg.

FEA model

Script for a representative FEA model of the hollow column: Abaqus scripting, Example: Column

The result for the Aluminum solution with thickness 3.69 mm is essentially identical to the analytical solution (eigenvalue approximatly equal to unity)


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